1896 Views November 5, 2019

Abdominoplasty is applied to remove excess skin caused by weight loss and gain, and delivery, and to decrease the sagging and looseness.

Excess skin is removed in the shape of ellipse. In this area, strias, if any, are also corrected. If there is any stria other than this area, it will be left. The suture line is performed at the level of or right under previous cesarean line, if any, and extends bilaterally.

Relatively healthy skin at the upper part is pulled downwards under the chest. This pulling procedure can lift the incision up.

Bellybutton is the same but the skin around it is lifted, therefore it looks tight and healthy. With abdominoplasty procedure, abdominal muscles, and, if any, ruptures can be corrected. With this correction, visceral organs, especially stomach - intestines are bounded more clearly. This boundary increases the contact of the food with the stomach and intestines, and after abdominoplasty, easy saturation is seen and bowel movements increase.

If there is any excess fat, a significant slimming can be obtained by removing fat from the waist with abdominoplasty.

After abdominoplasty, the patient is hospitalized for one or two nights. The patient wears a corset for two or three weeks. Some measures such as walking slightly bending, and placing a pillow under the legs are taken.

Even though recovery time is different for each patient, generally the patients can get back to daily life within two or three days and to working life after 10 days. Bending forward recovers within two weeks.


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