Calf Prosthesis - Calf Fat Injection

1775 Views November 8, 2019

It is carried out with implants in different shapes and sizes produced from a material similar to breast prosthesis. Experience obtained from breast prosthesis and many cases provide ideas regarding these implants and offer an inside to the future. The procedure is easy, however tension of the skin and asymmetric calf may cause the procedure to be complicated. It is explained in detail in the section regarding the fat injection.

Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. If volume needing is less and the patient can come for repetitive sessions, fat injection is more advantageous as it is from the patient’s own fat. In cases such as thin leg inside, genu valgum, asymmetric leg, both methods are successful, however, if volume need is much, calf prosthesis may be more practical. In case of total thin leg and ankle, fat injection and calf prosthesis are combined.

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Calf Prosthesis

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Calf ProsthesisCalf Fat Injection