Hair Applications General Information

1919 Views September 9, 2019

General Information

Especially in men, hair roots in the top and forehead may be damaged or lost due to sensitivity to testosterone hormone.
But, hair roots in the nape and back of the ears do not lose as they are not sensitive to the hormone. In other words, these hairs are strong.
Hair transplantation is the transformation of the hair to the area where the hair is lost.

First of all it should be performed in a hospital where infection is under control,
The density and direction of the transplanted hairs should look like natural hair.
Healthy hair follicles in the strong area should be taken by an expert team and placed one by one in the area where the hair is weak or lost.
During this procedure, local anesthesia is applied for the comfort of the patient.
Hair transplantation operation may sometimes require more than one session depending on the stage of the hair loss process of the patient and the width of the area to be transplanted.

Hair Loss
Hair loss is a type of disease caused by hair weakening. Every adult losses 50 - 100 Barbas every day.
In the event that loss Barba is more, an expert should be consulted. You can realize the increase in hair loss from the hairs on the pillow in the morning or after shower.

Also, you can determine it when brushing or shaping your hair. Afterward, you can determine the change. Hair loss seen in women and men is called “Androgenetic Alopecia”. In men, it is also called as “male baldness”. Hairline withdraws by time and dilution begins. The generall frontal part of the hair is lost. In women, the amount of hair loss is the same in every area.

The Widest Hair Loss Reasons
Hair loss is caused by many reasons.
The most important of these are post-menopausal problems, pregnancy, thyroid hormones, stress, psychological problems such as hormonal imbalance.
In addition, high febrile diseases, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, anemia, iron-zinc-biotin »selenium deficiency, diet, various hair diseases (such as Seboraid dermatitis, scalp fungal disease called Tinea capitis), dye hair very often and blow-dry can also cause hair loss.

Male Type Hair Loss

It is the widest hair loss type. It begins from the top of the head and the frontal line is lost by time. Hairs start to get weaker.
So that this area gets bold. If this process continues for a long time, a small amount of hair is left on the nape.
In recent years, male hair loss has decreased to the age of 18.
The most important reason for this type of hair loss is change in the testosterone hormone which is an androgenic hormone. Testosterone is converted to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with an enzyme known as 5-Alpha Reductase. This hormone causes the hair to get weaker and dilute.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Today, many women have hair loss problems. Hair loss is caused by especially stress, wrong diet, hormonal changes (especially thyroid), pregnancy, menopause, wrong cosmetic use, hair dye, and seasonal changes.

There are 3 types of hair loss:

  1. Hair loss starting at the top, in 1-2 cm from the front line of the hair.
  2. Intense hair loss at the top
  3. Hair loss on the whole of the head

How much hair loss causes a problem?

Every adult losses 50 - 100 barbas every day. In the event that loss barba is more, an expert should be consulted.

What can be done against hair loss?

Blood tests will be requested. Also, your hair and hair skin will be examined with hair analyze devices. Then, the treatment process to be designed for you such as hair mesotherapy, oxygen hair care, ozone hair care, PRP cures will be determined.

In late cases, hair transplantation is applied. These procedures should definitely be applied by specialists under hospital conditions. Hair transplantation is carried out under local anesthesia and does not compromise on the comfort of the patient. In terms of seasons, it can be applied in every season.

Hair Transplantation Process

Hairs in the area where healthy follicles will be obtained are cut to number 1. In women, just a neck area where the follicles are obtained is cut.

This area is applied to local anesthesia to prevent pain during the operation. Grafts containing one, two and three hairs are started to be collected with micromotors having special needles with 0,7 –0,8 mm diameters. This automatic system minimizes graft loss. Grafts are collected in a more efficient way. Operation and graft collecting time get shorter.

During this procedure, another team in the operation group these grafts. The area to be transplanted is applied to local anesthesia. According to natural hair angle and direction, microchannels are made in the area where the grafts will be transplanted. Grouped grafts are started to be transplanted. The important point here is that grafts should be transplanted in accordance with hair direction. Single grafts are transplanted to the front area to create a frontal hairline. Two and three grouped grafts are transplanted to the back to provide natural hair density. The only related graft is studied without removing tissue from the area where the grafts are collected. Incision and suture procedures are not carried out in the area where hairs are obtained. Scratches having less than 1mm diameter form in the area where grafts are collected. These scratches close within a few days and recover without causing any scar. Grafts collected from the neck with this technique can be used for brow, mustache and beard transplants as well as hair transplants. In this session, on average three thousand or more grafts are collected depending on the condition of the healthy hairs and number of grafts to be transplanted. Each graft has 1-3 hairs. 1 graft of hair is considered as 2 hairs on average. It is possible to transplant 30–60 follicles per centimeter depending on the collected grafts and opening. As the pain is less and recovery time is shorter after the operation, this method is highly preferred.

Aim of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) hair treatment is to stop hair loss and to help the weak follicles about to die to revive and to provide the health and beauty of the hair.

PRP treatment is started to be used in hair transplantation as well as hair loss. A combination of these two techniques provides good results.

The blood obtained from the person undergone hair transplantation is applied to a special procedure. During hair transplantation, a special method is applied to the area where the hair will be transplanted.

This method has another feature: Grafts are kept in a special solution with PRP while waiting for transplantation. So, they maintain vitality.

Hair Transplantation Methods

  • Bisturi is not used. 
  • It does not cause a visible scar.
  • It does not require sutures.
  • It can be applied both to men and women.
  • In women, only the area where the follicles will be collected is cut. The transplanted area is left long.
  • The pain is minimum as it is carried out under local anesthesia.
  • If the area where healthy follicles will be collected is not enough, body hair can also be used. We do not recommend body hairs for transplantation as all the hairs in the body except for neck loss. However, they can be used to increase the density at the top.
  • Follicles obtained from the healthy area with this method can be used for mustache, bread and brow transplantation.
  • The recovery process is short, the person can get back to daily activities after the operation.
  • After the operation, sensation loss does not occur in the area where the follicles are collected.
  • Natural and healthy results can be obtained as angles and sizes of the microchannels are adjusted in accordance with the angle of the natural hair before loss.
  • The hair looks natural and in compliance with present hair.
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Hair Applications

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