1904 Views November 2, 2019
The ear has esthetically and functional importance which directly effects the look of the person.
We frequently encounter with many abnormalities about auricle. The widest abnormality is a prominent ear. Prominent ear abnormality is the prominence of the auricle more than normal.
Due to this abnormality, children may be affected by speeches about them in the school and other social environments and can be mocked by their friends. This affects the psychological development and school performance of the children in a negative way. Therefore, the ideal operation time of these children is age of 6 before starting school.
However, those who are not operated in this period can be operated later. The surgical procedure performed to correct the esthetically look of the ears is called otoplasty. With this procedure generally, it is aimed to decrease the size of a large ear, to make the prominent ears closer to the head and to shape the ear in an esthetically way.
Otoplasty is generally performed under local anesthesia. In children, sometimes general anesthesia may be required.
The operation may last 1 hour on average.
The auricle is laid through the head from the backside and if foldings are not formed, they are formed. As the operative incision is located at the fold at the back of the eat, generally there is not any scar problem. After the operation, a headband is worn on the head and ears.
Hospitalization is not required after the operation. Other formal problems about auricle can be corrected with otoplasty operation. Large auricle, large earlobe, tear of ear hole are some of these problems. A well-performed ear aesthetic makes your appearance more beautiful, increases your self-confidence and helps you to look and feel better in society.