1873 Views November 2, 2019
Classical Liposuction:
Even though it is an old method, it is an effective body shaping method in some patients with a good fluid balance and proper cannula use. This procedure is based on the aspiration process after administering sufficient fluid to the fat tissue. It can be used for contour deformities when a technique is used for the protection of vascular structures. In areas and patients where skin thickness is high, recovery will be more, however, in other patients it may cause sagging in the skin.
Laser Lipolysis:
It is the abbreviation of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Therefore, it should be written in capital letters and as “LASER” instead of “LAZER” (as in Turkish).
Even though the term “lazer lipoliz” in Turkish means LASER Lipolysis, the correct term is LASER Lipolysis. When the literature is examined, the term “LASER assisted Liposuction” is used more often and if the LASER is used to destroy the fat and then the destroyed fat is discharged, it is the correct term.
If the fat is destroyed with LASER energy and discharged with lymphatic drainage with small amounts, laser lipolysis term can be used. LASER energy can be used to tighten the skin together with laser lipolysis. It is benefited from the contraction effect of the laser with skin and connective tissue with destroying. Various LASER wavelengths are used to lipolyze the fat, ti decrease sagging by reducing connective tissue and to recover the skin. Measurement of the heat during laser lipolysis is essential for optimum energy transmission.
LASER systems approved by the American FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) are used for body shaping for years with laser lipolysis and laser-assisted body shaping procedures with a wide range of usage.
It means a three-dimensional fat removal procedure. It is already impossible to be 2 dimensional. However, it can be aimed to obtain a larger effect with high volume fat removal. It should be noted that fat removal procedures are contour correction procedure.
For example, it is impossible to slim whole of a leg. A longer and thinner leg effect can be aimed in areas such as hip, inside of the leg, around the knee and ankle.
Another approach of 3D Lipolysis can be laser energy use with three different wavelengths. As different wavelengths of laser energies are absorbed by different tissues, and as effect width and depth of these energies are different, various LASER wavelengths can be used. As heat effect is important in this area, heat measurement may be required.
It is the general name of fat removal and body shaping.
It generally aims large shape differences with small amounts fat removal such as creating waist hollow in women, removing fat from the knee cover bone, showing the bone more prominently and removing excess fat around the bras on the back.
The best example of this is removal of breast tissue with gynecomastia in men.
HIGH DEFINITION BODY SHAPING: It is aimed to make muscle contours clearer. Excess fat is removed from the edge of the muscles and makes excess fat on the muscle look as muscle. It is often used in the abdomen ( six-pack ) and arm. It has risks in case of weight gaining. Left fat may get bigger. Even it can be supported with additional fat injections to make the muscle mass look bigger, in that case weight control gets more important. It is combined with supports such as ultrasonic LASER energy.
LIPOLYSIS: It means fat destruction. It can be applied in many different ways. The effect mechanism and results of each lipolysis are different. Even though the same term is used, it should be paid attention to the instruments with which the procedure is applied. Lipolysis should be examined in many ways such as limited effect in the area to be burnt, persistence of the effect and, if chemical is used, risk of allergy. If fat tissue is lipolyzed and it has a large volume, it should be removed from the body. It is not expected to remove a dead tissue etc. out of the body.
CRYOLIPOLYSIS It aims to destruction in the fat tissue with cold effect. As fat tissue is not removed out of the body, its effect is very limited.
LIPOLYSIS WITH MESOTHERAPY: It aims to reduce the fat tissue with chemicals that provide fat burn or metabolism boost. It can be applied in small areas. It is not suitable for lipolysis in wide areas and high amounts.
CHEMICAL LIPOLYSIS: These are agents that are used in a restricted area due to allergy risk and destroy the fat tissue into small pieces. It is used especially in jowls.
ULTRASONIC - INFRASONIC LIPOLYSIS : It aims to destroy the lobule structure of fat tissue into smaller pieces with soundwaves and to facilitate fat removal procedure. It is combined with LASER systems due to the recovery effect in the skin. Fluid accumulation called seroma may be observed especially after use of ultrasonic system. Drainages may be places to prevent seroma, if it forms, using period of corset is extended and drainage is carried out.
POWER ASSISTED LIPOSUCTION: It aims to remove the fat faster with a power system that provides vibration generally during fat absorption procedure. The weight of the nobles and vibration during the procedure are disadvantages. Many devices are available in the market for power-assisted liposuction ( PAL ).